The German word "doch" is the shortest and most direct response to counter a negative statement with the opposing positive. When confronted with a denial, "doch" is the most direct way to present a contrary position. However, in this piece, "doch" is not just a word but an “action."
DOCH! is the tension between stopping and persisting. DOCH! is insistence. DOCH! is a Latin American woman, arriving in Germany and dealing with the European “welcomes".
How can we use "doch" as a linguistic weapon? Or even better, as a resistance weapon in the body itself? DOCH! investigates the production of movement from the idea of opposing a denial.
Performed in the project “Oito Solos + 1″ produced by Grupo Oito at Hoftheater Kreuzberg, Berlin – Jan/2015 and Sep/2015.
Concept & Choreography: Caroline Alves
Concept & Dramaturgy: Miro Wallner
Music: AGF – AGF-Ripatti / TBA Natalie Beridze
Costume: Sofia Vannini
Camera: Nina Cavalcanti / Zé de Paiva
Photo: Zé de Paiva
With the support of Grupo Oito in partnership with Hofteather Kreuzberg and Naunyn Ritze.